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Follow the links above, in sequence, for an example of a username &
password login web based system, developed using PHP, JavaScript and a MySQL database.
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include("header.inc"); ?> <center><big><strong>1. Home </strong></big></center> </p>
<p align="center">Follow the links above, in sequence, for an example of a username & password login web based system, developed using PHP, JavaScript and a MySQL database.</p>
<p align="center">All files on this site are generated using a default header and footer using <?php include("afilename.inc"); ?><font SIZE="1" COLOR="#000000"> </font>This page you are viewing is generated from the following three files:</p> <div align="center"><center>
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<br><br> <strong>header.inc</strong></p>
<div align="left" style="border:solid 2px #0000FF; background:#EAEDFC; color:#000000; padding:2px; width:800px; height:300px; overflow:auto;"> <?php show_source("header.inc"); ?> </div> <p align="center"><br> </p> <p align="center"><strong>footer.inc</strong></p> <div align="left" style="border:solid 2px #0000FF; background:#EAEDFC; color:#000000; padding:2px; width:800px; height:300px; overflow:auto;"> <?php show_source("footer.inc"); ?> </div>
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<p align="center">You can <a href="demo-code.zip">download the free zip here</a> which contains all the pages. </p> <?php include("footer.inc"); ?>
<?php if (!isset($page_title)) $page_title="PHP code and online MySQL database - example username password"; if (!isset($page_keywords)) $page_keywords="free PHP code, mysql sql"; if (!isset($page_desc)) $page_desc="FREE example PHP code and a MySQL database"; ?> <html>
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<strong><font color="#000000" face="Comic Sans MS">TheDemoSite.co.uk</font></strong> sample code: <a href="http://asp.thedemosite.co.uk/">ASP and MySQL</a> - <a href="http://php.thedemosite.co.uk/">PHP and MySQL</a> - <a href="http://asp.thedemosite.co.uk/mssql/">PHP and MsSQL</a>
- <a href="http://thedemosite.co.uk/phpformmailer/">phpFormMailer</a> - <a href="http://asp.thedemosite.co.uk/asp_contact_email_form/asp_contact_email_form.asp"> ASP Contact form</a> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="100%"><p align="center"><img height="2" src="line.gif" width="99%" border="0" alt="PHP code examples with database connectivity"></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"><img height="2" src="line.gif" width="99%" border="0" alt="PHP code examples with database connectivity"><div align="center"><center><table border="0" width="98%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td style="width: 22%"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><big><strong>PHP and MySQL<br></strong>sample code</big></font></td> <td><p align="center"><small>Just examples of <b>PHP</b> code, linking to your <b>MySQL</b> database and JavaScript.<br> <a href="index.php">1. Home</a> | <a href="thedatabase.php">2. Poloniex</a> | <a href="addauser.php">3. Add a User</a> | <a href="login.php">4. Login</a> | <a href="getyourowndbonline.php">5. Get your db online</a></small></td> </tr> </table> </center></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%"><p align="center"><img height="2" src="line.gif" width="99%" border="0" alt="PHP code examples with database connectivity"><br> </td> </tr> </table> </center></div> </table>
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</td> <td width="170"> <center> <?php include("googleads.inc"); ?> </center> </td> </tr> </table>
<p align="center"><br> <img height="2" src="line.gif" width="730" border="0"><br> <strong><font color="#000000" face="Comic Sans MS">TheDemoSite.co.uk</font></strong> is a MySQL database and PHP FREE code example site hosted with: <br> <b>Seiretto </b><strong><a href="http://www.seiretto.com/">UK web hosting</a></strong> Copyright © 1996-2014 Seiretto. All rights reserved. </p> <p align="center">sample code: <a href="http://asp.thedemosite.co.uk/">ASP and MySQL</a> - <a href="http://php.thedemosite.co.uk/">PHP and MySQL</a> - <a href="http://asp.thedemosite.co.uk/mssql/">PHP and MsSQL</a>
- <a href="http://thedemosite.co.uk/phpformmailer/">phpFormMailer</a> - <a href="http://asp.thedemosite.co.uk/asp_contact_email_form/asp_contact_email_form.asp"> ASP Contact form</a><br><img height="2" src="line.gif" width="730" border="0"></p> </body> </html>
You can download the free zip here which contains all the pages.